Sunday, January 26, 2014

When He's Not Holding Your Hand....

So.... sorry it has been awhile since the last post. This one has been a long time coming. See, Belle and well... his name will be Eric. They have been on a few dates and have hung out a few time, but yet he wasn't holding her hand... and it made me think. I had to wonder what his deal was. Why is it that a guy can be with a beautiful woman and not eventually hold her hand? Perhaps he is not really that interested? That's what I would normally assume in this situation.

Well on their most recent date he FINALLY broke the touch barrier, he put his arms (yes plural) around her for a little bit. Good right? That's what we all thought... until the end of the night when he tells her he is not wanting to date seriously and is dating other girls. WHAT?!? Why break the touch barrier now? Belle's brother thinks he is confused. Giselle (our unofficial 3rd roommate) thinks that he is scared. I think he's a big jerk. Belle is sad, understandably so since she is a girl and we, as women, seem to take that upon ourselves. I just want to hurt him... but I'm aggressive. :)

So why don't guys hold hands with girls? They know it signals something no? Don't they realize that girls get a little attached by even a small touch like arms around them? I don't think I would be so annoyed at Eric if he hadn't broken that touch barrier before delivering the bad news... In short why are guys, or rather people so dumb in dating? You either want it or you don't. Okay maybe sometimes it is a little confusing, but don't drag people through your confusion and don't play with their emotions! Sheesh! Common decency! Anyway this is my ranting post for now...

Monday, January 13, 2014

Love at First Sight... and maybe Prince Charming?

Oh the irony of life! So in the last little bit I have had more experience causing me to think about this whole love at first sight thing... namely I have had a coworker who has known me for all of a week just up and tell me today that he wants to date me! What the?! Anyway so Belle and I were chatting about it and how we've had guys just decide they liked us after knowing us for super short time frames and I made the comment that it seems like within the first 5 seconds you are either in or out.

This is where we realized that perhaps guys are programmed to believe in that... consciously or subconsciously. Belle made the observation that perhaps it is like how girls are indoctrinated to believe in the whole idea of Prince Charming. That actually makes sense. I asked one of my really good guy friends and he thinks it is learned as well, except his idea is that it is learned because that is what they think girls want to hear.... this has all become much more interesting than I thought! I wonder if anyone has really thought this through....

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Love At First Sight or Something In My Eye?

While on this Disney theme, the topic of love at first sight has come up. Belle and I have had some conversations on it and neither of us think it is real. A couple of our guy friends think it is... who would have thought that guys would be the weird hopeless romantic type when it comes to this topic? So weird. On of the guys says he has had it happen, but it was only one sided. If indeed it is real, how does it work? Does it have to be two sided to earn the title? What if something goes wrong and you don't end up together like all of our Disney friends? Was it really love at first sight? I personally believe in strong attraction at first sight... I feel like love really requires time.

Belle recently talked to her mom and she pointed out that perhaps love at first sight isn't something that happens in the moment, but rather something found in hindsight; you have the feeling and then it works out. That makes sense. I think that is a pretty good theory! I will figure this out one day....