Monday, December 23, 2013

The Game

After last time I thought I would be better about writing... but life is so busy! Anyway a quick update, institute guy was really kind of a weirdo. He was kind of a jerk over text and then wanted to hang out when he was bored. I was out with a few guys so I couldn't. He has not text me since.

As for the hot tub guy in "Good things come to those who wait?" well he has earned a name. :) We shall call him Flynn, because Flynn is weird and this guy is too. :)

Lately I have been trying to actually play "the game" even though I hate the idea... See Flynn and I have this weird thing going down where he texts me EVERY day, usually in the morning and then we text throughout the day. I am trying not to get caught up in it, because I know it is too early for that. He has been so super honest with me. He also told me yesterday that he wishes he had met me when he was in a better place, but it really made me think... I think he is the first guy ever that hasn't put up a front when I met him. He confuses me, but it is keeping me from being anxious. Through it all I have decided I still hate the game...

Why can't I just be honest and say "I like you" Why does that scare people?
Why do I have to be less available when all I want to do is be available? In a way. I want to get to know him...
I hate having to act like I don't care, like I don't want it, like I am not interested, etc.

I play the game and I am trying to be the best player of this game I can be so I don't get run over... It's hard because I am starting to like Flynn. He's super motivated, smart, hilarious and so interesting I want to know all that I can! It's easy to be around him, but I will continue to play the game and keep my eggs in multiple baskets. ;)

At least I am not the only one trying to navigate this stupid game. Belle is in my same boat with Eric (I think that is what she wanted to call him). I hate how confusing it all is, but things will pan out one day! I'll try to be better about writing...

Thursday, December 5, 2013

And the plot thickens...

Sorry it has been awhile since I have written! Thanksgiving was crazy, BUT I have a good story! The Tuesday before Thanksgiving I was sitting in Institute and I saw some interesting information on the board:

Guy's name
(single) (25)
Phone number

It struck me as odd and really curiosity got the best of me... I texted it. I wanted a little spice in my life and I thought it would be fun! I asked for some opinions from friends and they were all over the place, some saying go for it and some telling me he could be psycho or a skeez, because what kind of guy puts his info on the board? My bestie Facebook stalked him and she said she found 2 guys with the same name in the area, neither of whom were unfortunate looking.Well we only texted a couple of times and that was it. I did find out it was due to a lost bet. After that I just forgot about it, then on Monday I got a text asking me where I was from. I didn't totally recognize the number so I asked who it was and it was that guy! We texted for a few hours and then nothing. It stopped at a weird time, but again I decided to stop thinking about it. I was very successful with that... until today.

I went to institute and my teacher says hello to my friend and asks how she is doing. He then turns to me and says "Meg, I've been hearing a lot about you lately." I was shocked and a little confused. he must have been able to tell, because he continued with just "Texting?" I almost died.... he just outed me in front of everyone. So the plot thickens.... He said the guy had been asking him about me and he assured him that I was beautiful and a great person. He also told me HE was the one the guy lost the bet to. It was all over shooting a basketball almost full court or something like that, but even he said the guy was good looking and has a refreshing personality. He then thanked me for texting him. haha Not at all what I was expecting!

I don't know if this guy is going to text me anymore, but it made for an interesting story!

This blog may only be about weird/funny/interesting/shocking stories... Whatever. Entertainment still right?