Sunday, November 24, 2013

Oh where to begin?

The whole purpose of this blog is to help those that are in the same boat as I am. How many times have you met and fallen for the wrong guy thinking he would be different? How many times do you watch movies like He’s Just Not That Into You and think during it that you are “the rule,” but when in the thick of things you begin to think you are the "exception”? 

Fairytales tend to teach that everyone is the “exception,” but who decided what is the rule? I've decided to throw my two cents out there for anyone who cares to read it, and create my own version of a fairytale. Hence the name of the blog.

I for one always follow the same pattern: I meet a guy and think he will be different or that things will be different when in reality they are always the same. I figured after the most recent ones, the player and the creeper there was something wrong. Something I am doing needs to change, but I couldn’t think of what. In chats with each of my parents and my older sister. Each one told me I need to learn to play the games. I am going to be completely honest with you, I HATE dating games and every part of me wants to avoid them at all possible costs. Then I came across this quote (that may or may not be legit):
 and decided maybe my dad’s advice wasn’t completely off, that games are inevitable so I might as well be the best player out there! So that’s when the blog came to mind. I am going to start trying to play the games and document how well they work out. Really it is going to be based on the dating advice I hear or books I read, movies I watch, friends experiences and just plain trying not to get too caught up too soon. I want to see if it works and by documenting it maybe I can help someone else in the future. For the sake of privacy and so this can be a public blog, no one will go by their real names, but will all be given a fairytale alias. This should keep things pretty interesting no?

So let's start at the beginning.

Once upon a time...

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